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As much as I would love to talk about something cooler for my first post ever in this Blog I just have to talk about my current  health issue, Shingles. Whom ever has had them before knows the pain is like a sassy bitch that wont calm down! 

Some of you reading may be wondering whats my experience about it and Im just going to share it with you all. So if in the future, you my dear friend, stumble upon in this post when this sassy bitch strikes you up the ass!, you wont feel that bad about yourself.


For me it all started one Sunday evening with a severe back pain that did not end and The only reason I could think of was that I probably injured myself in the gym lifting weights, not to mention that I'm kind of like a gym freak, go 5 times a week, so that was the logical thing to think.


The pain started to get worse and I felt like severe nerve shocks  going from my back down to my left arm, so I said to myself; Its probably a pinched nerve. This was very constant during the whole day, not to mention I was working non stop all day. I notice at night in the mirror two red spots in my chest and some how I thought it was the cause of a damaged muscle (pppfff yeah right Diego) and no matter how many massages my BF gave me that night, the pain just didn't go away.


My whole day goes by with severe pain that I would describe as electrical  shocks going from my back all the way down to my left arm and fingers and they would end up feeling numb and tingly. Well, it wasn't  until later that night that I took my shirt off that me and my BF noticed a horrible rash on my back, chest and left arm, I automatically broke down in tears, to the thought and fear of being an STD (Thats how uneducated I was in the subject of shingles...I know embarrassing) But thank god I have the fortune of having an amazing supporting dad  and sis which happen to be Doctors. I immediately  skyped with my dad and knew at that moment that I had shingles or also called Herpes Zoster which is....Basically if you had chicken Pox as a kid, the virus stays in your body until something triggers it once again and it appears as shingles. 


Some say stress, low inmmune system, or other unknown factors, I don't fucking know, the thing is that it just fucking came out of me like lava!! (quoting bridesmaids lol) Burning, itching and nerve pinching all at the same time.


After going to the Doc here in Urgent Care They gave me Valacyclovir 1gr 3 times a day  and pain killers, and there is really not much you can do about it, but bare with the pain. Your body will get rid of it naturally and for now Im just hopping that this ugly rash will go away soon.


*Whatever you do, don't scratch or touch the infected area, you will just spread it

*Shower: soap will dry up the rash much faster

*Treat Yourself: Time for you to distract your mind from the pain and eat the things you love and do whatever is fun for you. I bought Magnolias cupcakes, ate Ice cream, ordered Pizza, watched movies with my bf all day, played video games. Do whatever gets your mind away from it.

*Watch porn: Yes, watch porn!

*Drink lots of water

*Rest and sleep

*Music: I found meditating and classical music really helpful for pain. I forced myself to go in relaxing trance listening to music, try it. 


Unfortunately, I still don't know haaa!!. I'll let you know about it in my next post. So far its been only 5 days and my scars are slowly starting to scab  and the pain has gone down like a 85% so I guess Im making progress!.

Wish me luck!

Life is hard with f*&#% Shingles!

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